Agriculture Victoria Honey Bees
Victorian department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources responsible for registration of beekeepers, Biosecurity for exotic and endemic pests and disease, guidance on best practice and the Code of Practice for beekeeping in Victoria
Agriculture Victoria Honey bees Australian Honey Bee Industry Council
The peak industry body in Australia The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) aims to maximise the efficient use of industry resources and funds to ensure the long term economic viability, security and prosperity of the Australian Honey Bee industry in Australia.
Australian Honey Bee Industry Council Agrifutures
A comprehensive collection of Rural Industries Research and Development corporation funded research projects on all aspects of the honey bee and pollination industries including colony management, pest and disease management, hive products and marketing, industry economics and resources.
AgrifuturesAussie Apiarists online
Various listings of beekeepers, suppliers of bee goods, queens and nucleus colonies, training courses and services to beekeepers.
Aussie Apiarists onlineVictorian Apiarists’ Association Inc
The Victorian Apiarists' Association can help all beekeepers regardless of how many bee hives they own. Whether you are a hobbyist beekeeper with one hive in the backyard, a semi-commercial beekeeper wishing to take the next step towards becoming fully financially dependent on beekeeping, or a full time commercial beekeeper - we can help you.
Victorian Apiarists’ Association IncBee Aware
A hub of information for beekeepers and growers about honey bee biosecurity and pollination of agricultural and horticultural crops. The site contains an extensive range of information about exotic and established pests and diseases of honey bees, and helps beekeepers to identify and respond to these pest threats. It also contains information about the pollination of crops and how beekeepers and growers can work together to provide and receive best practice pollination services.
Bee Aware The Wheen Bee Foundation
The Wheen Bee Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes awareness of the importance of bees for food security, and raises funds for research that addresses the national and global threats to bees.
The Wheen Bee Foundation